jQuery plugins are constantly being released, and it’s no surprise since it’s insanely popular, and for good reason. The only problem is being able to sort through them all to find the good ones. That’s why we’re always on the lookout, and we will found some good ones for you.
jQuery plugins are always useful for desigenrs and developers but some time we spend couple of hours to find the correct one. So here we are gathered some useful and fresh jQuery plugins which can help to design and develop your project more faster. The plugins are sliders, image galleries, responsive images, slideshow plugins, jQuery file upload, user interface, jquery scrolling, ajax datagrids plugins, jquery notification, user interface elements, web contact forms, modal windows, tooltips, font size, and many other jQuery plugins all in one place.
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15 Fresh jQuery Plugins
Here is the list of 15 fresh jquery plugins. Enjoy!
Twitter has released new library named Typeahead.js for building smart auto-complete form fields. It comes as a jQuery plugin, shows suggestion as-users-type and can feature top suggestions with the help of styling. The plugin can work with both local or remote datasets and it is optimized for speed as it can prefetch the dataset, store it on the client-side and run the queries quickly.
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w2ui is a Javascript UI library based on jQuery with many widgets for creating desktop-like and data-driven web applications. It consists of the following widgets: layout, sidebar, toolbar, grid, popup, tabs, forms and field controls.
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jui_datagrid is an Ajax-enabled jQuery plugin, useful to manipulate database data in tabular format. Fully customizable, simple but powerful API, jQuery themes compatible, localization support. It has a modular design, so it is using jui_pagination plugin for paging and jui_filter_rules plugin for searching. As a javascript control, it can be integrated with any server-side technology (e.g. PHP, Perl, ASP, JSP and more) and any Database.
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Perfect Scrollbar is a lightweight (~14kb) jQuery plugin for creating them without any hassle. It doesn’t ruin the default layout or require/apply any CSS changes. The plugin works with containers of any size and re-arranges the positions if a container-resize happens.
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jQInstaPics is a simple jQuery plugin that enables you to display the latest pics from your Instagram feed on your website or blog.
Similar plugins only allow images to be pulled in based on keywords, from a public feed. This is where jQInstaPics comes into play.
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iLightBox is a fresh Sleek, intuitive, powerful, and revolutionary jQuery lightbox plugin for creative and ambitious web designers and developers. iLightbox can also be used as a good-looking replacement for JavaScript’s alert, prompt and confirm dialogs.
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Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide an ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text. Textillate.js is built on top of the simple, yet amazingly powerful animate.css and lettering.js libraries.
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FooTable is a jQuery plugin that aims to make HTML tables on smaller devices look awesome – No matter how many columns of data you may have in them. The plugin auto-hides the selected columns on each breakpoint defined and users won’t need to scroll horizontally.
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Any List Scroller is a jQuery plugin that can perform the scrolling with any list and in any dimension.
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Vegas is an amazing jQuery plugin for creating fullscreen background slideshows for web pages.
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Parsley is a JavaScript library, that can work with both jQuery or Zepto, for validating forms so easily. A lot. Parsley is totally aware of that, and is designed to help your users and not bother or frustrate them. Parsley has a full support for #UX concerns and detailed options. Override almost every Parsley default behaviors to fit your exact needs.
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ayaSlider is a flexible jQuery slider plugin with a very simple usage and setup. The slider can display an unlimited number of items where any HTML can be used for the slides.
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jKit is a free user interface library for jQuery that offers lots of functional features and components. It works cross-platform and includes slideshow, tabs, accordion, parallax, zoom, tooltip, form handling, ticker and much more.
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Photobox is a beautiful and posses a great look jQuery image gallery that uses CSS3 transitions and animations. The gallery is lightweight and presents the items as a wall where each item can be viewed inside a modal box.
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SocialCount, a jQuery plugin, with only 3kb in size and provides a much lighter solution for them. Social Networking widgets are a digital blot on the beautiful canvas we call the web. They often do not (with intent) blend with a site’s design or with each other.
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