Floating panels or floating sliders are very useful for e-commerce websites to display cart activities, checkout and amount total etc, floating panels viewport while scrolling is a good way of providing an easy-to-reach links/info (like navigation or help) to users.
Portamento.js is a flexible jQuery plugin for creating floating panels or sliders quickly all that’s needed is some simple CSS and one line of JavaScript, and you’re away!
It functions well with both absolutely-positioned + floated layouts and has cross-browser support.
The plugin has a smart feature which understands whether the screen-size is big enough or not to display the floating panel and decides to float it (or not) automatically.
It is very easy to use and has very few configuration options like “the element to be wrapped” or “its margin from top”.
Requirements: jQuery
Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Website: http://simianstudios.com/portamento/
Download: https://github.com/krisnoble/Portamento