Acorn Media Player is a jQuery plugin for creating, accessible and customizable HTML5 media player.
The player can be completely controlled with keyboard (with standard tab-based navigation), has screen-reader support + accessible themes and various other accessibility tweaks.
There is also support for closed captions and a dynamic transcript generated from the selected captions is provided.
Acorn Media Player can be themed with ease, can display videos in fullscreen, informs users on loading processes with loading + buffering indicators and can even remember the volume level used with HTML5 localStorage.

HTML5 <video> Player features:
- Easy customization and themeing
- Fullscreen support
- Buffering indicator
- <audio> support
- Loading indicator
- Remembers volume level using HTML5 localStorage
- Easy to use, understand and adapt
- Free and Open Source
The sliders (seek and volume) can either use jQuery UI’s widgets or a custom one is provided as well and few other options exist (like the direction of the volume slider) for further customization.
Requirements: jQuery