Orbit is a lightweight (2.8kb compressed) jQuery plugin for displaying multiple images in a limited space.The HTML markup is pretty clean, just an element that wraps multiple images where the captions are generated from the title tags of these images.
Most jQuery image sliders hover at around 8 kbs for minified versions, and around 15kbs or more for uncompressed development files, but what if there was a way to keep the simple fades, slides, and a couple other nifty bits, but strip the bloated and corny diagonal-cross fades or spiral dissolves. But wait! Oh snap, there is a way, and it’s called Orbit.
This easy-to-use plugin has several options like the animation type, animation speed, enable/disable previous-next buttons, captions, timer and more.
Requirements: jQuery
Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Website: http://www.zurb.com/playground/jquery-image-slider-plugin/Orbit_Kit.zip