GroceryCrud is a PHP CodeIgniter-powered resource that can auto-generate a fully-functional create/read/update/delete interface very easily and quickly.
Once it is integrated into a CodeIgniter installation, a new grid with CRUD features can be created with only a few lines of code and it can have pagination, sorting + search, all with Ajax.
Official words:
As a php web developer you will often have the problem to create a simple, stable and secure backoffice system. How many crud different did you create for you customers? I suppose many . How much time did you spend to create them? It actually takes a lot of time (sometimes weeks) to create all the business logic, the models and the views again from the beginning for each table. As you can see there are similar things in those projects. The Create ( or else Add) the Update (or else Edit) and the Delete. With grocery Crud and with the power of codeigniter framework , you can create a full CRUD in just one minute.
With this Codeigniter CRUD generator , you don’t have to copy all your css, JavaScripts, tables, forms, lists, functions , models, libraries, views again and again to your backoffice system. Just few lines of code and you are ready to have your own CMS. The CRUD is working well with Codeigniter 2.0.x and 2.1.x.

The generated data-entry forms can have both server-side and client-side validation where custom rules can be integrated easily.
It is possible to only use the desired columns and there are callbacks almost everywhere for further customizations.
Requirements: Codeigniter 2.0+