Videola, an open source video management and delivery platform, can easily help creating a video-based website with users and even e-commerce being a part of it. It allows you to create paid-access or free-access video websites which can serve video to the desktop, mobile, or television-based devices. Create your own Netflix On-Demand style (subscription), Hulu style (ad supported), or Blockbuster / Amazon style (rental) streaming video websites with your own video content.

Videola is a highly flexible, easily expandable, feature-rich open source solution for organizing and managing video content, users, and ecommerce.
Subscription plans can be created and videos can -optionally- be streamed only to subscribed users, they can add/remove videos to the queue (like Netflix) and video analytics per subscriber can be viewed.
It is possible to show preview-images/videos to non-subscribed users and there is support for in streams advertising + branding bumpers.
For quicker access to the content, there are widgets like “similar videos” or “popular videos”. Also, items can be tagged + categorized.
And, besides desktop browsers, videos can be watched in iOS and Android.
Requirements: PHP & MySQL