PHPDevShell is a modular, plugin-based “code management system and framework” that offers a ready-to-use administration interface which can be extended with your own codes. PHPDevShell can offer you immediate general used functionality with a user interface for your next project.
PHPDevShell Features:
- Easy plugin based projects, Full MVC or Not, really up to you.
- Extend existing projects on PHPDevShell with ease.
- Extremely powerful skinning, theming and structuring.
It provides most of the popular features that an application requires like:
- user registration and management (with roles, groups an access rights)
- presenting system settings
- cronjob management
- navigation
- plugins
- templates
- and much more..
The project aims not to interfere with your system, rather, follows a simplistic approach to integrate with it.
PHPDevShell has many other features like a built-in mailing list manager and the ability to view logs for every action.
Download Free PHP Open Source User Interface