Best Free Photoshop Tutorials. New free Photoshop tutorials for photographer, graphic designer, or illustrator for learning basic, advance and essential techniques of Photoshop, tips and lighting effects. All tutorials are very easy to understand and make amazing photo manipulation, retouching and lighting effects and PS actions in Adobe Photoshop.

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How to Create an Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
Learn how to create this cinematic scene in quick and easy steps! This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to blend images to create an apocalyptic scene and add flying meteors with premade Photoshop brushes. You’ll also learn several different ways to add lighting effects and create a strong atmosphere.
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Photoshop Silhouette With Double Exposure Effect
Learn how to make a double exposure in Photoshop using a woman silhouette. You can use other Photoshop silhouette images like birds, buildings or animals. You can make your own shapes and silhouettes using the simple techniques presented in this tutorial.
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How to Remove A Background of A Photo in Photoshop
This Photoshop tutorial will teach you some of the detailed steps to remove a background in Photoshop with high resolution quality edges.
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How to Create an Underwater Text Effect in Photoshop
Water can make for such beautiful, inspiring visuals! In this tutorial, we’ll take some text and visually “place it” underwater—creating a wavy text effect, looking down and into the water, with the text visually beneath.
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Create “City in Flame” Digital Montage in Photoshop
In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I used to create this “City in Flame” Digital Montage in Photoshop. We will mix several objects such as city buildings, solider, vintage car, plane and flame in order to the achieve the final result.
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How to Create Vivid Arabian Night Composite in Photoshop
Learn how to create a beautiful Arabian night photo manipulation with Photoshop. You will learn several blending tricks and composting tips that will help you create a vivid vector-like landscape.
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Pop Art Portrait Photoshop Tutorial
Learn how to create pop art in Photoshop in just a few easy steps. Turn a photo into pop art using Photoshop. If you want really quick results you can try the Pop Art Photoshop action that are featured in this tutorial.
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How to Remove A Shadows From a Photo in Photoshop
This Photoshop tutorial shows you how you can easily remove or reduce harsh shadows from any photograph in Photoshop CC and Photoshop CS6.
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How to Add Realistic Falling Snow to a Photo in Photoshop
Falling snowflakes are a great way to make your winter photography much more interesting. Sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate, however, and you have to turn to Photoshop to get the job done. In this tutorial, I will explain how to create a realistic falling snow effect in Photoshop and show you how to apply it to your images.
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Create Silhouette Based Composition in Photoshop
Learn how to create a silhouette based composite in Photoshop without using camera and photography knowledge. You’ll learn how to use silhouette images, combining them, creating the silhouette using selection. You’ll be also brushing up your painting skills.
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How to Turn an Ordinary Landscape into a Dramatic Moonscape
Create this dramatic moonscape in Photoshop! In this tutorial you’ll learn how to transform ordinary photo into a dramatic landscape by adding different light sources, creating depth and changing color schemes. Let’s get started.
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Cream And Chocolate Cake Photoshop Text Effect
Learn how to create a delicious 3D cake text effect in Photoshop using layer styles, 3D action generators and cake patterns. This is a tutorial also for Photoshop beginners that will learn new things and techniques. You have to download the sweets cake patterns that I used in order to create this effect.
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How to Remove Anything From A Photo in Photoshop
This Photoshop tutorial shows you different tools and techniques to remove anything from a photo. We will remove braces from teeth, make power lines disappear from an photo and even remove a person from a group in Photoshop. Combine these easy techniques to erase anything from your photographs.
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How to Create an Orton Effect Photoshop Action
Photoshop actions are the fastest way to add complex Photoshop effects to your images. In this tutorial I will show you how to create an action to add the popular Orton effect to a photo. The Orton effect is a dreamy glow often added to landscape images to make them look magical. By creating an action, you’ll be able to add it like an image filter.
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The Creation of “Diminishing Figure” Digital Art in Photoshop
In this tutorial, I will show you the processes of creating this “Diminishing Figure” Digital Art in Photoshop. We will build the effect around a human portrait image with metal, fire and abstract brushes. We will also be using image adjustments to fine tune the effect.
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How to Use 3D in Photoshop
Learn how to use 3D in Photoshop CC. This Photoshop 3D tutorial shows how to use all the 3D tools in Photoshop. Photoshop is especially good at texturing and Lighting. It’s important to follow the 3D pipeline to get good results. Its the same workflow used for visual effects you see in movies and print commercials. Obviously more sophisticated tools are used for movies such as Maya or 3D Studio for games.
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How to Make Watercolor Effects in Photoshop Quickly With Actions
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an amazing watercolor effect Photoshop action. I will explain everything in so much detail that everyone can create it, even those who have just opened Photoshop for the first time.
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Create “Flying Jellyfish” Photo Effect in Photoshop
In this tutorial, you will learn the process of making “Flying Jellyfish” photo effect in Photoshop. The concept of this effect is set on a surreal, alien landscape where Jellyfish rules the sky.
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Create a Romantic and Warm Portrait Photo Manipulation in Photoshop
Create this warm and sensual photo manipulation by combining photos, blending them, and adding a warm color effect. This tutorial will cover advanced photo manipulation techniques such as quick masking, color matching, and nondestructive dodging and burning.
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Make A Pool Water Texture In Photoshop
How to create a realistic pool water texture in Photoshop from scratch using filters and gradient colors. You can make any size water backgrounds using this easy Photoshop technique.
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How to Create a Cloud Effect in Photoshop
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Create Surreal Underwater Scene in Photoshop – Featuring a “Fish-Head” Lady
In this Photoshop tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a surreal underwater scene featuring a woman with head of fish and boat. You’ll learn how to combine different stock images together using adjustment layers, masking and brushes, make an underwater environment, enhance color, create lighting effect and more.
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Create a Powerful Emotional Effect for Your Portraits in 9 Easy Steps
In this quick tip tutorial you will learn how to create a powerful emotional effect for your photos. By reading this tutorial you will be able to convert an ordinary looking photo into a beautifully striking one in 10 minutes or less.
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Mirror Reflection Image Effect In Photoshop
Learn how to mirror an image in Photoshop from this quick tutorial for beginners. To flip an image Photoshop you have to use the Transform Tool. You can flip the image horizontally or vertically. You can flip a layer or just a selection.
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The Grim Reapers Side Job
Learn how to create this eerie photo manipulation of the Grim Reaper’s side job – mowing! This simple tutorial is great for beginner photo manipulators and will show you how to quickly combine photos, warp them into your scene, and add a cold blue color effect that eliminates all need for color matching.
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