Some of the most famous brands using symmetrical logos and making a hit with the market are goldilocks, hidalgo stout, catrina red ale, blu Leone, and bollywood masala logo, Xhosa, coviam, voodoo monkey and old pistons. These are all amazing and excellent symmetrical logos that are both artistic and eye catching. A logo simply does not even represent the company visually, it also represents the goods and services that the company has to offer. So when there is an eye catching logo telling about the products of the company in this artistic way, one will be attracted simply at a glance. And to top it if that is a symmetrical one, the smooth and soothing impact the customer feels magnetic towards the company.
All the characteristics of having a symmetrical logo is that the location of it is extremely central, the layout should be perfectly ordered, and vertically and horizontally it should be even. Only then it will be able to achieve the level of perfect symmetry that is both artistic and eye catching.