Skylar is fast, optimized and multi-purpose highly customizable WordPress theme with stunning demos & powerful tools which help you to create own design without paying thousands of dollars. It gives you powerful toolset to create website which are still unique, despite the nature of repetitiveness of the themes. You have at your disposal 830+ options to customize, however, if you don’t feel like creating your own design, you can just import the demo and leave it as it is or adjust to your preferences.
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Skylar – Fast, Optimized & Highly Customizable Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme
Skylar Features:
- 9 header layouts
- Header position: Top / Bottom
- Header under or below slider
- Fixed header support
- Fixed header displaying conditioning (after first scroll, after Revolution Slider, after header)
- Disable/Enable header overlaying
- 10 header buttons styles (+ support for own styling)
- Control over header button paddings, border radius
- Header buttons & icons spacing control
- Header icon size changeable
- Header width control (can be independent)
- Full control over margins, paddings, and border (entirely responsive)
- Dropdown menu width types (full & auto)
- Dropdown menu text alignments (left, center, right)
- Dropdown menu width
- Dropdown menu padding
- Dropdown menu button padding & border
- Topbar (disable/enable)
- Topbar overlay control
- Disable/ enable topbar on mobile
- Control over topbar margins, paddings, border
- 10 topbar button’s styles
- Topbar button styling (paddings, border radius)
- Topbar buttons & icons spacing, icon size adjustable
- Menu buttons can be suffixed or prefixed with a separator
- Easy usage of icon in menus + deep integration with Ultimate Addon for Visual Composer, which enables using icons which you imported, not only Font Awesome (there are 4000 icons free to import instantly or you can upload any own icon set you have)
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