This is a selection of award winning website designs which using the powerful tool of HTML5/CSS3 for designing, enhancing visualization of Website. This is a huge list of HTML5/ CSS3 Websites.CSS3 tools can be used in any web designing project to create modern style website.
HTML5 is a response to the observation that the HTML and XHTML in common use on the Web. It’s very easy to learn even for a beginner.

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The Missing Piece By Degordian
Public still looks at paralympic athletes differently than it looks at athletes without disabilities. Get to know athletes through their personal stories and give them support by becoming their missing piece on the way to Rio.

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Henge By Gusto Ids
The word we love most for defining the soul of Henge is Journey. This is our digital storytelling!

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Al Erkyah City – Life well lived By RUYA
Al Erkyah City was created fom the belief that we all deserve to live, work and play in the healthiest environment possible.

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Away We Go By Arnold Worldwide
Carnival’s Instant Caribbean Vacation is an interactive, 360° video experience. Users can choose their own adventure as they take in the sights and sounds of a cruise vacation.

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Renate Rechner By Daniel Spatzek
Renate Rechner is an austrian psychologist with a focus on positive psychology. Her official website is an unique experience based on the slogan “CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE”.

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Lubezki + INDIO By Foo Studio
Get behind the “Chivo” Lubezki camera while shooting the new TV ad for Indio, the leading beer brand in Mexico.

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Müller By AQuest
Tap your way into the world of flavours, almost too sinful to resist and savour your journey in the realm of Müller.

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Cavalier: Conqueror of Excellence By Your Majesty
Posture & Balance is the first challenge in a series of games for a platform we created called Cavalier. Your Majesty is using these games to consistently experiment with innovative technologies.

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Vanderlanth Portfolio By Nicolas Lanthemann
Hello nice people ! My name’s Nicolas Lanthemann and this is my portfolio. I’m a 19 years old Interactive Media Designer student in my last year at eikon in Switzerland. Mostly focused on interactions, I’m looking for opportunities in UI/UX Design and Frontend Development.

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Robin Mastromarino – Portfolio By Robin Mastromarino
Robin Mastromarino’s portfolio, UI/UX designer and HETIC student based in Paris.

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Plastic Studio By Plastic Studio
Plastic website. Plastic is a studio located in Barcelona specializing in the design and development of user-centered digital experiences.

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SyFy: The Magicians By UNIT9
NBCUniversal reached out to UNIT9 create an interactive second screen experience showcasing the new SyFy series ‘The Magicians’.

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DDNG Portfolio By Dac Davy Nguyen
Dac Davy Nguyen — DDNG portfolio / Interactive designer

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Ruben Sanchez By Rubén Sánchez
I´m Spanish Designer expert in digital projects, above all in Interactive Design and Design Interface

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Concrete LCDA By Akaru
Discover the brand new responsive Concrete LCDA’s website, the European leader in custom interior layouts and wall claddings made from lightweight concrete.

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