Have you ever tried to clean your room, bake a cake, do the laundry and watch a film at the same time? If you have, how much of your room actually did get cleaned? How burnt was the cake? Did the laundry ever make it out of the washing machine? And what was the name of the film?
My point is that it’s hard if not down right impossible to do more than one thing at a time and achieve the best results on all counts. Usually, it’s easier to pick one activity and focus on getting the best out of it.
Creating websites is not an exception to this rule. In our current market, where users have long grown accustomed to spending a lot of their time on the Internet and have become quite apt at finding what they need online, competition to produce the best possible websites is at an all time high. It’s no longer good enough to produce a functional website and put it out for your clients. It’s vital for web developers and designers, as well as for future website owners, to consider other factors such as attractive design or a high degree of usability. Which brings me back to my original point, can one person do it all?
My answer is: obviously not. It would be very hard and time consuming for one man (or woman) to sketch out, design and implement a website from the ground up taking into account both technical and visual aspects. You’ll say that this issue would not arise if we’d be talking about a team of web designers and developers that sets out to work on a project together. And you’d be right. The main point of a team is to divide responsibilities as best as possible and make sure each of its members has tasks that best suit their abilities.
Case and point, where a web site project is concerned the designers should be able to focus solely on the design of the future website and not be burdened by how their design will translate into code later on. The best way they can do this is by using tools aimed especially at visual aspects, like Photoshop. Afterwards, you have the option of working with a PSD to WordPress company that will transform your design into a fully functional theme in a matter of minutes and make sure that the visuals you’ve sketched out translate seamlessly into code that can be integrated afterwards by developers.
WordPress is one of the most powerful and widespread platforms for websites out there. It has had a lot to benefit from the fact that it has become so popular and has gradually become one of the most reliable architectures available. Therefore, choosing WordPress for your project would be a wise choice indeed. You’d be able to leave all the visual work to your designers who will be free to use tools like Photoshop to refine the aesthetics, then simply use a PSD to WordPress tool to deliver a front end to your project that developers can then begin to work with.
Of course, there’s always the option that you’ve decided to create and manage your own website without employing a development team and your technical skills don’t include knowledge of how to design or configure your own website. Luckily for you, that’s where WordPress themes come in handy. There are a number of talented development teams out there that have put out a wide variety of ready to use WordPress themes that are guaranteed to fulfill your every need. Like I’ve previously stated, WordPress is the most popular platform used nowadays, therefore anyone who is creating themes, plugins or tools compatible with it has to ensure that they’re bringing their best products to the table.
Therefore, if you’re shopping for the perfect theme for your business head on over to http://themeisle.com or http://themeforest.net and see which one tickles your fancy.