Illustrator has become the best hand made vector graphics designing tool for designers. In these Illustrator tutorials you will learn how to sketch and design in Illustrator with basic and advance tools.
Today, there is a growing interest in collecting and admiring original artwork that was used as illustrations art in books, magazines, posters, blogs, etc. Various museum exhibitions, magazines and art galleries have devoted space to the illustrators of the past.
Adobe Photoshop is simply excellent tool for creating amazing and realistic text effect and photo editing from simple to advanced makeovers and for fixing, editing great shots where the light, color balancing and sharpness need a bit of adjustment or where some elements need to be removed.

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Best Illustrator Tutorials with Popular Techniques
Today we’re picked up best Illustrator tutorials which can improve your graphics skills. These tutorials can helps to bring your ideas into reality and create something dashing.
Here are some of the 25 Best Illustrator Tutorials on the web, and as usual it’s the creativity that counts.
In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a 3D ice text effect using Modo to sculpt the 3D models and Photoshop for texturing and post-production. Let’s get started!
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You will learn how to setup a simple grid and how to create your mustard bottle using a bunch of linear gradients, some meshes, simple blending techniques and several effects.
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For starters you will learn how to setup a simple grid and how to create a set of scatter brushes. Next, you will learn how to create a simple background and how to use your scatter brushes. Moving on you will learn how to take full advantage of the Appearance panel and how to ease your work using simple graphic styles. Finally, you will learn how to add subtle shading and highlights using a simple blend, basic effects and a bunch blending techniques.
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For starters you will learn how to create the nail polish bottle cap using basic blending and vector shape building techniques along with some complex linear gradient and the Live Corners feature. Next, you will learn how to create a pink art brush, a simple background and smooth piece of text. Taking full advantage of the Appearance panel and the Pathfinder panel you will learn how to add shading and highlights for your piece of text. Finally, you will learn how to add some nail polish drips and a bunch of subtle sparkly spots.
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In the following steps you will learn how to create a chemistry tubes text effect in Adobe Illustrator. For starters you will learn how to setup a grid and how to create a simply piece of text. Using basic tools and effects along with the Snap to Grid feature you will learn how to create the main shape. Moving on you will learn how to add subtle shading and highlights using the Appearance panel, build-in patterns plus some basic blending and vector shape building techniques. Finally, you will learn how to create a nice, textured background.
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This tutorial is a quick easy one, that will show you how you can use shapes and layered Layer Styles to create a simple embossed metal tag-inspired text effect.
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In this abstract geometric photoshop tutorial we are going to use simple geometric shapes as the triangle to create unique, origami looking text designs. This is a photoshop tutorial for beginners that teach you how to create cool photoshop effects.
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In this detailed photoshop text effect turorial you will learn how to easily multiply your rope pieces and how to create the rope ends. Moving on you will learn how create the pattern brush components using the Shape Builder Tool and some basic moving techniques
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In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a food-inspired font style entirely from scratch by manipulating shapes with gradients, custom brushes, and various vector and raster effects within the appearance panel.
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In this text effect tutorial, will show you how to create a simple and lovely text effect. In this tutorials, you will use brushes and patterns. If you don’t install them, please check on Google. Fonts, brushes, PSD source files are available for download at the end of the article.
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In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a text effect that is illuminated with tracks of small lights using several Photoshop tools including vector shapes, brushes, Layer Styles, and Adjustment Layers.
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This Photoshop CS6 tutorial will show you how you can play around with the different settings to create a simple, yet sophisticated, metallic text effect.
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In this tutorial, I will show you the processes of creating this Deep Space Text Effect in Photoshop. We will use a handwriting font, combine it with nebula and fire textures to form the final effect.
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This tutorial will show you a simple way of using a couple of textures to create a painted-on-wood text effect. It is inspired by the amazing work of Jérémy SCHIAVO, the PULSION CRÉATIVE project.
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In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create custom vector fire. We’ll use custom art brushes, and will alter shapes with the Blend Tool and manipulate the look of your strokes and objects with Blending Modes in order to create a text treatment that is on FIRE.
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In this tutorial you will learn the basic use of brushes and filters, that how to apply on text to make fluorescent text effect.
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In this tutorial you will learn how to create an all vector watermelon text effect in Adobe Illustrator. An important part is the watermelon look and we will create this by adding multiple fills and strokes in the Appearance panel then save it as a watermelon style in the Graphic Styles panel.
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In this tutorial, I will show you the processes of creating an abstract style, shattered text effect with metal scraps in Photoshop. We will use just one scrap metal stock image and build the text effect based on it. Methods including image adjustments, selection, brush painting will be used in this tutorial.
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This tutorial will show you a simple way of modifying a toast stock photo, and using a couple of Layer Styles with some useful tricks, to create a golden syrupy honey-on-toast inspired text effect.
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In the following steps you will learn how to create an electricity text effect in Adobe Illustrator. For starters you will learn how to setup a simple grid and how to create a pretty simple pattern brush and a bunch of thin art brushes.
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In the following tutorial, you will learn how to create a wire pattern brush and how to use it to create a nice USB vector text effect in Adobe Illustrator. For starters, you will learn how to set up a simple grid and how to create a bunch of pixel perfect shapes using basic tools and effects.
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We’ll create all of these starting from simple shapes and using a few manipulation techniques along with the Pathfinder panel and the Appearance panel. Next, you will learn how to add details on the pulp of the tomato using a build-in Art Brush plus the Roughen and Zig Zag effects.
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In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this interesting cold winter night text effect in Photoshop. We will go through some texturing techniques, as well as an interesting method of creating break-apart effect. We will also use image adjustment layers to fine-tune the final effect.
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In this tutorial, you will learn how to creating a new piece that draws on all that’s great about the city – taking inspiration from last year’s Olympics, underground club scenes, and the vista from up high.
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In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple wallpaper mixing vectors and photos. We will play with Offset Path, Live Corners and some other effects in Illustrator and Photoshop. – See more at:
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