Here we are put to-gathered a list of Useful HTML5 Tools, Frameworks and resources which are very useful for both designers and developers. HTML5 is an extremely useful markup language for enhancing user experience and usability. It is becoming more and more popular, as a web developer or designer, you’ll need to keep up with the latest news and learn new skills.
Below you will find a list of thirdy HTML5 tools that are great at helping people to understand HTML5 and at helping people learn how to create HTML5 websites.
There are some really good online tools & resources which web designers should definitely take advantage of to help create those new innovative designs and stay ahead of the field! We have collected 30 of the best Useful HTML 5 Tools & Resources for Web Designers and Developers. Enjoy!
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HTML5 Web Designing Tools & Framework
HTML5 is making the web design more powerful in different areas. Fast, Secure, Responsive, Interactive, beautiful. We all know HTML5 become more popular in these days. So We are gathered some cool and useful HTML5 and CSS3 Tools and resources for designers and developers.
Modern web technologies are pushing the boundaries of creativity and today we want to share a useful collection of HTML5 Tools which can help to build better web design and web apps. Let’s take a quick look at useful HTML5 Web Designing Tools and get inspired to create the design of your website with advanced HTML features and updates.
iio Engine is an open source framework for creating HTML5 applications with JavaScript and canvas. The framework provides a feature rich SDK, an advanced debugging system, and a cross-platform deployment engine. The iio Engine has no dependencies and can be interfaced with Box2D. The core platform is open source and totally free.
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Flowplayer, the popular HTML5 video player, offers a great experience with a completely customizable feature set. One of the most important things when playing video is probably the browser support. The player does that perfectly with HTML5 by default and falling back to Flash when needed.
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KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that enables high performance animations, transitions, node nesting, layering, filtering, caching, event handling for desktop and mobile applications, and much more.
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RazorFlow is a PHP framework for quickly and easily creating Responsive and HTML5 dashboards that work well on all major devices and browsers. It works by simply inserting a single PHP file into any app, feeding it with data and choosing the output type. It can work with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite databases.
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Zebra is a JavaScript library that come up with a rich user interface components for creating desktop-like layouts. The UI elements are built with HTML5 canvas, colored with CSS and expected to be rendered the same on all modern browsers.
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Workless is an HTML5-CSS3 framework for building cross-browsers websites with ease. It is a project that started as a mashup of Bootstrap + HTML5 Boilerplate, evolved more and now has most of the frequently-used stuff.
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Junior is a HTML5 framework for front-end creating mobile apps that look and behave like native. It’s a pretty easy to use and has the documents + examples to get you started. It uses CSS3 transitions for a slick performance, supports swipable carousels and includes various UI components (from Ratchet).
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Radi is a awesome visual design application creating websites with standard and human-readable HTML + JavaScript code. It has built-in tools for creating/editing graphics (they can be imported too) and generating animations with <canvas> output that work in all modern browsers including mobile.
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HTML5 Bones is a boilerplate for HTML5-powered websites including the most-required stuff (normalize.css, html5shiv, etc.) in the markup. It simply shows the usage of HTML5 markup including header, section, article, footer and more (there is also an example of video as well).
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Literally Canvas is a HTML5 open source widget, which can be integrated into any page, for enabling users to draw online. It comes with a simple set of tools including draw, erase, color-picker, undo, redo, pan and zoom.
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HTML5 Sortable is a lightweight (<1kb when minified/gzipped), supports “connected lists (moving items between different lists)” and works in all major browsers. This plugin uses the native HTML5 drag and drop API for creating sortable lists/grids and provides a similar API + behavior when compared to jQuery UI’s sortable.
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Gauge.js is a slick script for creating animated gauges with JavaScript (Coffeescript) in HTML5 canvas. The script is standalone (jQuery is supported but not required) and doesn’t use any images or CSS.
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Sonic is a tiny JavaScript class for creating such loader images with HTML5 canvas. There are ready-to-use examples provided and a web-based Sonic Creator exists for creating loaders and getting them as a HTML5 canvas code, animated GIF or a sprite image with the CSS3 code.
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Chart.js easy, object oriented JavaScript charting libaray with html5 canvas for designers and developers. It currently supports 6 chart types (line, bar, radar, pie, column and polar area) and all this comes in a standalone, <5kb package.
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WYSIHTML5 is an open source rich text editor, developed by Xing, that produces non-bloated, valid HTML5 code. The editor doesn’t rely on any JS framework, it is lightweight and loads/works pretty fast. It transforms textarea fields and provides the major stuff including text styles (bold, italic), lists, headers, inserting images or links and coloring the text.
WYSIHTML5 speeds up the writing process by auto-linking the URLs and offers a secure usage by using sandboxed iframes in order to prevent identity theft through XSS.
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Percentage Loader is a jQuery plugin which makes use of HTML5 canvas (no images) for creating a very good looking loader.
The loader is only 10kb (minified), can also be used as a drag ‘n’ drop supported controller (like a circular volume button) and multiple instances of it can be displayed in the same page.
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Howler.js is a JavaScript library that works with Web Audio API by default and falls back to HTML5 Audio when not supported.
It accepts multiple file formats for cross-browser compatibility, has caching and can play many sounds at the same time (it is also mute/un-mute them one-by-one or globally).
The sounds can be looped, a fadeIn/fadeOut effect exists and standard media controls are just a part of the library.
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HTML5 audio is awesome, so easy to implement and works fast. The only thing that can stop you from using it is the lack of support for older browsers.
Audio5js is a lightweight JavaScript library that solves this compatibility issue nicely.
It provides support for multiple codecs and fallback to a Flash-powered MP3 player when needed.
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Fabric.js HTML5 Canvas coding framework with offering methods for creating objects and manipulating them, the framework also works as a SVG-to-Canvas parser (and vice-versa).
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D3-Cloud is a beautiful and open sourced implementation of word clouds that are familiar from
It is built with the D3.js library, uses HTML5 canvas for drawing the output and works asynchronously for a good performance.
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cgSceneGraph is an object-oriented and easy-to-use JavaScript animation framework that is built on top of HTML5 canvas.
It is created with professional apps and games in mind, works cross-browser and has lots of built-in nodes like images, text, buttons, shapes, etc.
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HTML form elements look and behave slightly (or sometimes more) different in each browser.
In order to find out the differences and test them easily, there is a website: Native Form Elements. it lists all the form elements including HTML5 elements and their disabled states.
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A revolutionary way to test custom fonts in the browser. No coding, no uploading, just drag and drop. As a designer, choosing a decent font can be a tough process! Use this awesome font bookmark to instantly view any web page in a new font without changing any HTML or CSS! Harness the power of HTML5 and @font-face by dragging the font.ttf files into the top toolbar and they will appear in a list for quick view.
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jQuery HTML5 Uploader is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you to quickly add an upload system a-la-Gmail into your web app. You only need to create a dropbox element (i.e. a div) and jQuery HTML5 Uploader will do the rest. Then you can drag & drop one or more files on the element and the files will be uploaded. It also works with the multiple input file element.
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Upload Center, that will allow people to upload photos from their computers by dragging and dropping them onto the browser window, possible with the new HTML5 APIs exposed by modern browsers. Uploading files using HTML5 is actually a combination of three technologies – the new File Reader API, the also new Drag & Drop API, and the good ol’ AJAX (with the addition of binary data transfer).
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Flotr2 is an open source library for HTML5 canvas charts and graphs which is a fork of the popular flotr without the dependency of Prototype JS framework and has many improvements.
The library is framework independent and has support for line, bar, candle, pie and bubble charts.
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HTML5 Please is an interactive compatibility chart of HTML5/CSS3 features to find out “in which browsers they are supported (or not)”.
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Learn more about HTML5