If you are committing common errors on you blog then you will end up losing traffic on your blog. So you should pay close attention to you blog and try not to confuse the visitors.
There are more than 200 million blogs worldwide. According to some stats, there are more blogs than there are actual blog readers. Let’s just go ahead and assume that a lot of the blogs out there aren’t being read because many bloggers continually make simple mistakes. So, to prevent lost readership from your blog, take time to read these common mistakes, and honestly analyze your own blog:

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Here is the list of the most common mistakes that should be avoided by bloggers, check out!!
Get rid of Meta Widget
First of all get rid of Meta widget, if you don’t then you will end up confusing visitors on your blog. You do not need this widget on your sidebar or footer. You are better off without it.
Use Tag Cloud Neatly
Tag clouds are automatic and added randomly without any plan. If you want to include tag cloud in your blog, then be sure to make it part of SEO strategy. There are not many blogs that can run cloud tags well enough. Don’t use this general word like “ Google ”,”Yahoo” “ blog ’’, “ tips” doesn’t make any kind of sense now nor for SEO.
Use Livefyre
Blogs provides this luxury to visitors to comment freely if they are logged in from Word press and Bloggers. But that creates problem for visitors who don’t have account on Word press or Bloggers, consequently, they will leave without commenting. If you want the visitors to comment then don’t do that. If you are concerned about spam then it is better to use Livefyre instead, it helps to filter the comments at much ease.
Shun Spam comment
It is better not to approve all the comments. If the visitors are not sharing their real information then don’t consider them. You have to be very smart in picking comments which are genuine and which are not.
Don’t miss the sharing button
Since Social media has so much reach and popularity, it will be very great way to be connected to the world. If you do not keep the option to share your blog content on social site, then you are missing out on huge traffic. Visitors can paste the URL on their social profile but that is not very convenient. If you keep sharing tabs of tabs of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, MySpace, Digg etc. then it becomes lot easier.
So these tips will help you improve your blog and you will no longer receive condescending comments from visitors that your blog looks amateurish or etc.