As we know there are currently 6 Billion mobile phones subscribers worldwide and over 1.2 Billion people accessing the web via a mobile device.
In 2014, mobile internet or mobile websites usage will overtake desktop internet usage and its almost more then 60% overtake in 2012.
Let’s take a quick look at some inspiring examples of mobile websites design ideas to keep in mind when designing for the mobile website. Though designing for the Mobile Web follow similar principles to designing websites, there are some notable differences. Speed as broadband devices, mobile web layout and Some might argue that going mobile isn’t necessary yet.
If you still don’t have mobile website So what are you waiting use Google new tool that makes it easy for businesses to create mobile-friendly websites incredibly quickly with Google Sites.
The new mobile templates for Google Sites is a follow-up to the mobile sites rollout the company introduced last week.
Today here we rounded up 55 mobile web designs examples. So enjoy and let us know what do you think about mobile web design showcase.
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Mobile Websites Design (55 Inspiring Examples)
If you do not know you can check these website other websites design on mobile just simple click here, this is iPhone simulator, but there are plenty of other ones to check on Android,Windows Mobile etc. Just input there website you want to check and hit enter. Also thing to remember, if site has mobile design version and you don’t get it automatically, you can access it by putting “m” before website address – “” – from smartphones and iPhones you need to use this mobile address as well to access it.