iUI is a mobile user interface framework consisting of a JavaScript library, CSS, and images for developing webapps for smartphones, tablets and iOs devices.
User interface with only iPhone in mind in the first place (reason of i UI). User interfaces to be created are iPhone-like yet compatible with most smartphones and tablets and has support for menus, forms, lists, image galleries and more.
iUI has the following features:
- Create Navigational Menus and iPhone-style interfaces from standard HTML
- Use or knowledge of JavaScript is not required to create modern mobile web pages
- Ability to handle phone orientation changes
- Provide a more “iPhone-like” experience in your Web apps
Also, there are built-in extensions for caching, getting system information, HTML5 videos or theme switching.
The core code of iUI is lightweight, but a lots of plugins, extensions & themes. Offline cache, Google analytics, system informations, events logs, theme switcher, main mobile OS themes.
iUI is well-documented and has tutorials to get you started easily.
Compatibility: All Major Smartphones & Tablets
Website: http://www.iui-js.org/
Demo: http://www.iui-js.org/demo
Download: http://www.iui-js.org/download