Download twitter iOS app updated to version 4.0 with some new features and enhancements and allows users to connect with friends, industry experts, favorite celebrities on twitter in faster way.
Twitter for iOS has gone further to version 4.0, whilst Twitter for Android has been updated to version 3.0. If you’re either using an iOS device or an Android device you can simply go to Apple’s App Store or Android Market to get the latest bits right away. The major overhaul includes a total new design with improved speed, and better stability.
Twitter version 4.0 App Features
- Home is where you start from: a personal collection of Tweets from the sources you care about. The Tweet details show rich information such as replies, retweets and embedded images.
- Connect is the place to see who followed or mentioned you, retweeted or favorited one of your Tweets. It’s where you keep the conversation flowing.
- Discover is where you can tap into the stories and trends people are talking about in your world. You can also find friends, browse interests, and explore hashtags here.
Download Twitter v4.0 for iOS