First mobile framework on web Lungo.js. A framework, powered with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, for creating mobile web apps.
The applications created with it works in all of the popular platforms (iOS, Android, Blackberry and WebOs).
It has support for touch events like tap, double-tap or swipe and doesn’t use images (including the icons) as everything is vectorized.
- Design and make applications for iOS, Android, Blackberry and WebOs.
- Designed to take advantage of the features of current mobile devices.
- Capture events like Swipe, Tap, Double-Tap…
- Distribute your app in “Mobile Stores” or in websites.
- No need images, everything is vector.
- Implement HTML5 features like WebSQL, Geolocation, History, Device Orientation and more…
- No webserver required.
- Implement native looking with (on iPad & iPhone).
- Fully customizable.
- You can use Lungo Sugars to sweeten your apps.
- Build apps, games, catalogues and everything else you can imagine.
HTML5 features like WebSQL, geolocation, history or device orientation can all be used.
A well-documented JavaScript API has methods for handling all the major stuff and Lungo.js is modular + completely customizable.
Requirements: No Requirements
Compatibility: iOS, Android, Blackberry and WebOs