Opera Software release new flavors of its mobile browsers Opera Mini and Opera Mobile, with a series of enhancements that should make the browsing on the small screen of mobile phones a more enjoyable activity.
The new Opera Mini 6.1 and Opera Mobile 11.1 browsers come with search suggestions from Google and Yandex, as well as with smarter domain recognition.
With the new browser releases, the built-in search field will offer suggestions as the user types, and will save time when searching on the go.
The new psychic bar of Opera Mini and Mobile gives suggestions from Googlesearch and also provides browser history to users as they start typing in it.
The other enhancement of Opera Mini and Mobile version is the selection of text, as now it displays handles to expand text selection just like WP7 and iOS devices.
Image Source: Opera.com
You can download Opera Mini 6.1 and Opera Mobile 11.1 through integrated link to Android market or directly visit http://m.opera.com/ to grab out the web browser version according to your device requirement.
Check out the video below to know what’s new in Opera Mini and Opera Mobile.