Shutter effect will be using the HTML5 canvas element to create a simple photography portfolio, which displays a set of featured photos with a camera shutter effect. This functionality will come in the form of an easy to use jQuery plugin that you can easily incorporate into any website.
The canvas element is a special area on which you can draw with JavaScript and apply all sorts of manipulations to your image. However, there are limitations to what can be done with it. Generating complex real-time animations is challenging, as you have to redraw the canvas on every frame.
This requires a lot of processing power that web browsers just cannot provide currently, and as a result smooth animations are nearly impossible. But there is a way around this limitation. If you’ve played around with the demo, you’ve noticed how smooth it runs. This is because the frames are generated ahead of time and each one is built as a separate canvas element.
Download Shutter Effect jQuery Plugin
Requirement: jQuery and HTML5