Cloud9 IDE is an open source application that aims to provide a powerful and focused IDE for JavaScript developers.
It is powered by the platform + makes use of HTML5, node.js, and many other projects.
The application has a pretty fast text editor with bundled syntax highlighting support for JS, HTML, CSS and mixed modes.
Cloud9 IDE has integrated debuggers for node.js and Google Chrome which can be started, paused and stopped from the IDE.
Using WebDAV, it can connect to remote workspaces too and has a plugin system for improving it further (already has several bundled plugins).
Official Words:
Cloud9 IDE is aiming to be the IDE for Javascript developers. We have all experienced the Eclipse variants and other Java or C++ IDE’s for which web development and JavaScript was an afterthought. Extending these applications or customizing them to our needs was done in either Java or C++ and generally very difficult. We are developing applications in javascript to run online for a purpose, why shouldn’t you do your application development online too?
For these reasons we have started Cloud9 IDE as an online platform for Javascript development, and all the code is opensource and free to adapt and use.
Top Priorities
- Easy hackability for Javascript developers
- At least as good as existing IDE’s and text editors with help from the latest browsers
- Local and remote file and repository integration
- Debugging support for Chrome / NodeJS
- Test and deploy your code in the cloud
Requirements: Git 1.7+ (for Windows installations)