PHP GD Barchart Generator – script built using PHP’s GD image library allows you to easily add simple charts in your web pages. It accepts a number of parameters in the <img>’s src and you can also set more global settings in the file itself, giving you full control over what data is displayed, in what colours, sizing, fonts and more.
Barchart script accepts a number of parameters in the <img> src element, you can also set more global settings in the PHP file itself, giving you full control over what data is displayed, in what colors, sizing, fonts, font angle, chart height and more.
easy to use, just call the script in the src of an <img> element like:
<img src=”../path/to/barchart.php?params” /> – where params is a set of property/values.
Check GD library:
This script requires GD to be installed as part of your PHP build. It normally is, but you can confirm this by running phpinfo().
Requirement: PHP GD Library