This is yet another large round-up of best articles resources for designers and developers posted by other blog owners (2nd week of July) have been submitting on ON&E BLOG over the last couple of days. You will find great inspiration for your designs, tools, giveaways, awesome photos etc. Hope you will find useful resources below and help submitting good articles if you find some.
Please feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts even if you have more reference links related to other tips and tricks that our readers may like. |
Here is a compilation of Best Articles Resources for Designers and Developers – 2 Week of July. Enjoy!
25 New High-Quality Fonts for Designers has always been a fundamental aspect of stylish headlines design, but many designers are now making type the centerpiece of their designs.
Cardview is all about showcasing the best business card designs that are out there and collecting the latest tutorials, articles and news about business card design from all over the web.
If you want your website to achieve global stardom, you need to make sure it’s cross-culturally accessible.
Creating coffee art usually consists of pouring the steamed milk into a shot of espresso, thus creating a design. This process takes skill and creativity. There are even world wide latte art competitions.
If you’re in need of some cool vectors to create a poster for a concert, a print for a t-shirt, a CD cover, an invitation to an event or much more, here is a good selection of vintage vector illustrations.
In this review I collected a list of 35 best and impressive examples about gadget devices, mobile phones, PS3 gaming devices, computer monitors, creative advertisements, print media, web advertisement from brilliant designers all around the world of web for your design inspirations. I hope so, that this collection will be fruitful for your design work somewhere.
Openxaddons is a leading provide of adserver solutions. OpenXaddons provides a range of services for OpenX which mainly includes installation, customization and support services.
We are going to show you some gorgeous and creative works of typography. These typography are the best art and technique of arranging type and type design.
A business card is very important for professionals. In fact, it is a good ice breaker when we have a prima facie with the client. Also, networking is very easy with a Business card.
The World Wide Web is a data mine of information. The search engines have come handy in getting the information we need with just a keyword. However, it is still a mundane task if we are not searching for just the content but an image or a video.
Internet is one such place where we can get into any thing and this is a journey of thousands of sites. It is a network of intelligence that serve all age groups. It is easier to get connect to anything, anywhere and at the same time it is likely important to protect children form inappropriate content.
Today we presenting 50 High Quality Fresh Premium WordPress Themes.
I looked at over 1000 really Outstanding Websites Showcase today so I thought that I would share some with you and then make a series out the idea. Now we present Outstanding CSS Websites Showcase for Design Inspiration from around the web. So we add CSS Based, Creative, and Flash based websites in this post and only the best sites will be on display.
One movie in particular spurred a large interest in robot/android design, I, Robot and you see some common similarities shown below taken straight from the film. The life like characteristics give us a taste of what the future can bring and I for one can’t wait for when robots to become more of our daily life’s.
In two previous posts, I’ve reviewed ten project management applications suitable for any kind of company or manager who needs a professional tool to keep track of his projects.
Recently, I have discovered a new application that seems to do the job quite well and I would like to add it to the mix.
To err is human. However, With more and more applications added to the world of networking and many new software programs being developed in the world of Information technology and many more new devices being added to the world of Infotainment it has become important from a software professional to a layman to have a centralized source for resolving these errors.
Management not only means planning and organizing business these days planning means managing information to with so much of information and the worldwide web one has to understand the need of the non disclosure agreement.
Shopping is fun frolic but counting on cash and comparing the prices isn’t. Especially these days when the recession is on it is important for us to buy the goods the most economical way. These days with the E- commerce being developed in the most advanced ways.
The movie tracker is a website that is a heaven to all the movie buffs. However it could be an informative website to all those who likes to have an honest review and a fair idea to anyone who wants to have an idea about the classic movie they chose to see in the weekend in the DVD.
Photos from this years New Designers exhibition at the business design centre.
David Waters is a talented 23 year old artist from Moscow, where he is currently attending the University of Idaho for Graphic Design. David is a freelance designer with amazing creations in graphic art work, digital illustrations and prints.
I’m often asked about how much people charge for photography, and then frequently in the context of portrait photography. I guess people really like to get their picture taken. Honestly, I tell them I don’t really know what other people charge since I’m new to the area and only really know the rates in the big cities in the US
SharedLikes is a perfect online tool for both webmasters and the general public to find out the web pages that are popular on Facebook. In general this tool helps you in searching out for all those things that you and your friend are linked with on the popular network.
The fact of this tool is that you can upload all your photos at once. The best way to upload photos to accompany your journal entries, and mark your progress on the map is Mabame,
All those who are looking for new and used vehicles this is the right site to go with CarGeni, It is an excellent platform where you can find your desired choice with almost no effort.
Web2Cal excellent tool that has come up with an amazing feature that enables you to build calendar by changing the option easily add and modify events to the calendar.
ThePicLab is a multi-featured online image editing website, just upload the image and start editing. You can even add text to the picture and make adjustments such as crop, resizing etc.
With the launch of the iPhone 4 and the general increase in mobile web use (aka the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad), the value of animations done using the all new CSS3 or Cascading Style Sheet 3, has risen dramatically.
We do have a rich set of sites that helps us in converting the long URL name into a shorter one and one such service is is an easy way to shorten the URL, Here there will be always an option of rating and commenting.
20 Hand-picked Slider Scripts for the Javascript Framework Jquery and Mootools.
Compilation of PHP Video Workshop Sites.
List of 13 Free Fonts, that for all occasions a personal note adds.
If you are looking jQuery Plugins and Tutorials then you can find here Best Powerful and Elegent jQuery Plugins and Tutorials. Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML.
Unlike your average computer user, those with a creative profession would enjoy looking at something other than a portrait of their family all day. Having a wallpaper, or background, that stands out from the rest can give you a fresh perspective to help your imagination conjure up the idea you were looking for. This is why I have created a collection of beautiful and creative wallpapers to freshen up your desktop.
If you haven’t heard of Twitter by now, you must be living under a rock! It is everywhere, and everyone is using it. To say that the rise of Twitter has been explosive would be an understatement. As a result of this growth, the number of Twitter apps and tools available has become extensive. So, in this post we have filtered them down to a respectable 99.
Design is a funny thing in that you can learn something new about it every day of your life. What better way to learn about design than by reading about it from other design professionals. I have come up with my list of top design books for beginner to advanced designers. These books are so full of knowledge it would be a shame not to check some of them out.
Have you ever thought that the mundane objects that surround us can be more appealing or even look like a decorative object?
Check out these stylish fire extinguisher designs which bring a refreshing change to the traditional red and white.
Learn how to create a jQuery plugin to wrap text automatically around the edges of a transparent image.
Man is a social animal. No matter how well the technology has developed and how fast the trends change, socializing remains an important need after the basic necessities.
While businesses around the world have showed their support for the online design contests, there are those who criticize the very integrity and purpose of this so-called vice.
I was looking the other day at some truly amazing body paintings and I couldn’t believe they were real! Artists who paint on others’ people body must have great patience and fantastic imagination to create this kind of art work!
The Magento eCommerce platform is an open source eCommerce web application that was launched in March 2008.This open source platform is going to a higher level day by day and the system provides many shopping maintenance features.
Here is a round-up of our favourite WordPress 3.0 tutorials, resources and videos.
We presents you the logo design inspiration series, this time i’ve selected the logo’s from websites around the web, as you know logo is one of the greatest key concept for a website and brand Identity.
TweetCalories is an interesting approach to easily calculate the burned quantity over the past 24 hours using a social media. This simple calories burnt application can even breaks down the amount of tweets, letters, words, curses and re-tweets and calculates the calories that were burned while Tweeting.