Codrops, a creative blog on web design/development (mostly jQuery), is sharing a beautiful photo stack gallery that is built with jQuery & PHP.
The gallery can display multiple albums and with the help of prev-next buttons, can paginate within them easily.
Once an album is clicked, it shows the images inside that album with a stack interface that is powered with CSS3’s rotate
We will use jQuery and CSS3 properties for the rotated image effect. We will also use the webkit-box-reflect property in order to mirror the boxes in the album view – check out the demo in Google Chrome or Apple Safari to see this wonderful effect.
We will also use a bit of PHP for getting the images from each album.
The gallery doesn’t require a database. Rather, it scans the “albums” folder (using PHP) and automatically finds the albums and images inside them.
The reflections used only work in Webkit browsers but the overall functionality is compatible with all the major ones.
Requirements: PHP (jQuery is included with the download)
Compatibility: All Major Browsers