Google CEO Eric Schmidt has confirmed that his company is developing a tablet device based on the Android operating system, according to friends that spoke to the executive at a recent event in Los Angeles. The New York Times reports that Google has “been working with several hardware manufacturers,” and “hopes to make its own apps marketplace available for new slate-like devices.”
Case in point: Google. The California-based search giant is reportedly working with Taiwanese mobile company HTC to develop a Chrome OS tablet to compete with Apple’s newly-released iPad. The two companies have reportedly been collaborating “for the past 18 months” according to Australia’s Smarthouse publication, in which several models of the tablet are expected to make their debut.
Of course — and as expected — the lot of information regarding this potential tablet is mostly smoke and mirrors at this point. But the real question is, will it be an iPad killer?
Tell us what you think in the comments? What do you suppose would be better, a tablet running Android or Chrome OS?