Here is a working trick that will help you in getting more and more Twitter followers. In this post I am going to explain you that how you can add a Twitter badge to your blog or site that slides down automatically when you scroll down the web page.
This is how the badge will look :
So here is a tutorial to add this Twitter badge to your blog. Lets start :
1. Visit Go2Web20, who are the creator of this badge.
2. Now fill in your Twitter username and enter your desired settings and click on Update Code.
Note : Its better to add the badge to left hand side as the readers start reading your posts from there and they will notice your badge immediately.
3. Now if your are using Blogger as your blogging platform, go to Layout and click on Edit HTML. Here put a tick on Expand Widget Templates and search for tag. Its in the 2nd last line of the template code.
Now, paste your code above and click on Save Template.
If you are using WordPress as your blogging platform, go to Editor under Appearance tab, and select Footer.php file from the list. Here, search for tag and paste the code above it.